Estate Planning

We offer a full estate planning service to compliment the investment and pension service we provide, making the process as easy to understand and as hassle-free as possible.

The rules involved in Inheritance Tax are complex so it’s imperative to discuss your situation with an experienced professional. Our advisers will help you understand its potential effects on you, whether your loved ones will lose out on some of their inheritance, and what we can do to reduce or even eliminate its effects.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the volume of clients seeking estate planning solutions has more than doubled as the realisation of the impact of the virus has come to a head.

Trust planning can be a rather complex matter, but our experienced advisers will support you.

The rules involved in Inheritance Tax are complex so it’s imperative to discuss your situation with an experienced professional. Our advisers will help you understand its potential effects on you, whether your loved ones will lose out on some of their inheritance, and what we can do to reduce or even eliminate its effects.

Benefits of good estate planning include:

  • Potentially reducing your inheritance tax liability.
Protecting assets for your spouse and enabling them to withdraw income.
  • Preventing your children or individuals from inheriting property outright when they may not be in a position to manage their affairs responsibly but allowing them an income stream.
Preserving family assets for your children and grandchildren in the event of divorce.
  • Preventing future generations from paying inheritance tax on your assets.
  • Bloodline protection - making sure that your children and grandchildren are protected from creditors or the social impact of divorce.

Protecting You and Your Loved Ones

It can be easy to put these important things off, which could cause problems for your loved ones after you’re gone. Act now and get peace of mind that your wishes will be respected.

We'll help make the process hassle-free, offering you personalised guidance over the phone or by video call, daytime or evenings. Our experienced team will do all the hard work for you, explaining everything in plain English.

Have your circumstances recently changed?

Arrange a no obligation initial review via telephone or video call.

Get peace of mind that your family members and loved ones are protected when you die.

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