The best way to get in touch is to call us on 07985195364, 07795077077. Alternatively, you can email us, or use the contact method below.
How to Complaint?
If you wish to make a complaint, you can contact us in the following ways:
In writing:
Complaints Department
London Financial Consultants Ltd
77 Pasture Road
Letchworth Garden City
SG6 3LSOr email jas.ahuja@londonfinancialconsultants.co.uk
Or call on 07985195364, 07795077077 -
Acknowledging a Complaint.
If your complaint cannot be resolved by the close of business of the third business day, following the day it is received, we will promptly send you a written acknowledgement to confirm it has been received and that we are dealing with it.
If we have reasonable grounds to be satisfied that another firm maybe solely or jointly responsible for any complaint issues raised, we will promptly forward the complaint (or the relevant part of it), in writing to that firm. We will write to you to confirm our actions and provide you with the contact details of the firm concerned.
What happens next?
We will investigate your complaint competently, diligently and impartially. We will take into account any documents and/or information which you may provide in relation to your complaint. If necessary, we may request further relevant evidence and information/documentation from you to assist us with your investigation.
We will ensure that you are kept informed of our progress with regard to the investigation into your complaint and once we have finalised our investigation, we will issue our Final Response letter. All communications with you will be clear, fair and not misleading.
If we have been unable to conclude our investigation or issue our final response within eight weeks, we will write to you and provide an explanation as to why we are not in a position to issue a final response and indicate when we expect to be able to provide one.

The Financial Ombudsman Service
If you are dissatisfied with our final response, or if we are unable to resolve your complaint within eight weeks, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Telephone: 800 023 4567
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Web: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent dispute resolution service. There is no charge for you to use their services.Further informationIn the event that you have any queries regarding our complaint handling procedures, please get in touch with us, using the contact details provided above. A copy of our Complaints Policy and Procedures is available on request.
London Financial Consultants Limited is a Directly authorised firm regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ref 966139. Registered office address 77 Pasture Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 3LS.